06 Jan

Opportunities are available when you look for them. This is how you will be able to materialise your dream project such as designing a website, developing a website, among others. In Singapore, there is a company who offers ‌grants for website development which may make your dreams come true!

So, in this article, you will learn how you can successfully earn a deserving spot in getting website funding grants.

Choose your grant

First things first, you have to know what you want grant to get. Currently in Efusion, a leading in-house web design service provider in Singapore, there are three existing grants you can choose from. They are:

  • Enterprise Development Grant or EDG

The EDG grant helps companies in Singapore grow and transform by giving up to 70% fund for project costs. To be qualified at this grant, you have to be registered and operating in Singapore, have at least 30% local shareholding, and be financially capable to start and complete the project.

  • Productivity Solutions Grant or PSG

PSG grant can support companies on adopting IT solutions and equipment to enhance business operations. If qualified, they can give 70% funding support for your long-term technology investments. They will require you to be registered and operating in Singapore, IT solution needs such as equipment must be used in Singapore, and have a minimum of 30% local shareholding.

  • Market Readiness Assistance or MRA

If you want your SME to go overseas, this is the grant you should seek because they can provide up to 70% funds for eligible costs. Your company should be registered in Singapore, have at least 30% local shareholding, and an S$100 million maximum group annual turnover from the most recent audited report.

Submit fact-supported statements

Grants have requirements that you need to fulfil so that you can get a spot. Knowing this, there should be no room for false statements or it will prevent you to even get a chance on getting your desired grant. Only submit accurate data from a reliable source to build credibility that is expected when you are registering. Not only this action will be appreciated, but it could also build a trusting relationship.

Present a solid plan

How would you allocate the fund granted to you? Give the provider of the grant a vision. This vision should include the future of your company once you got the funding that you need. Like any other grants, the grants for web development expect their applicants to have a long-term plan because they need to know where their investment will go. So, avoid giving them vague descriptions and elaborations.

Create a logical budget

Prepare a review of expenses with accurate data. As much as possible, avoid jotting down costs from estimated value. If you can, you should acquire the exact amount needed from purchasing a domain to construct the website itself. This is a crucial requirement for applying for grants because this would determine if a project is doable and would be successful.

Are you looking for grants for website design in Singapore? Check out the offers of Efusion Technology! Learn more about them on their website https://www.efusiontech.com/.

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