30 May

Google, in its effort to provide better and more accurate results to its users, constantly updates its search algorithms to better adapt with trends and practices online. However, since Google rarely announces these updates, SEO companies in Singapore need to always be on lookout for sudden changes in their websites’ online presence.

An SEO company worth their salt will not be caught with their pants down during an algorithm update. One’s professionalism and expertise are tested once they encounter major updates that shake their site’s online presence. Between Google’s yearly average of 500 to 600 updates, SEO experts should always be on the lookout with what’s happening.

In the past two years alone, there have been at least nine major updates to the algorithm, which has radically affected SEO. What should be done when these updates hit? Read on and check whether your SEO provider can compare:

  • Don’t sweat it.

Once a major algorithm hits, a lot can happen, and a lot of things happening can understandably be stressful. However, since Google rarely details the changes in each update, we rarely get the complete picture of its impact. This lack of information leads to speculation—some right, most will be off the mark. Only one this is for sure: panicking won’t do any good. Worrying unnecessarily and trying to guess the effects of the updates are fruitless and ultimately wastes of time and energy, which could be better put to use in research and gathering data.

  • Be patient.

Being proactive can sometimes be disadvantageous, especially when dealing with an unknown quantity such as the effects of an algorithm update. Reacting prematurely can be an awful waste of time and energy and might even hurt your site. Do not assume that your site will always be negatively impacted by an updated. In fact, if your SEO company in Singapore is doing its job properly, you should not be negatively affected, and might even be boosted. As mentioned earlier, Google is doing these updates in an effort to deliver more quality results and to boost reliable sites to the top. Wait a few days, weeks even, to see how things shape up. Then, with the data gathered, make your move and the necessary changes.

  • Research and react.

You’ve done both of the above. You did not panic and you waited to see the how your site would be impacted. Now comes the hard part: how do you react?

In order to make the necessary changes, you need to have enough data—correct data that is. You can begin by researching. Check out reliable blogs and SEO websites and read up on what they know. Of course, the most reliable source of information would be Google itself. However, as mentioned above, Google doesn’t always give a breakdown of an update. If Google has no release notes, sites like Google Webmaster Blog and Search Engine Land are good places to start. They have great writers and columnists who are well-informed with the current SEO trends.

Algorithm updates are not SEO’s enemies. In fact, they are allies in combating red flags, black hat and other shady SEO practices that poisons search engine results. Follow these three advise and you’ll find yourself ever ready whenever an update hits the net.

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