24 Jan

Years ago, only top production houses in Singapore offered drone videography. But the general public's buzz and the craze over drones has opened a leeway to make drones accessible to the market, ergo the sudden spike in drone videography in Singapore for video and film productions. People are pretty much excited to include captivating drone shots in their video content that they forget to consider some factors. 

Here are the factors to contemplate before considering drone videography:

  1. Consider the drone footage.

A TVC production house in Singapore uses drone shot to encapsulate landscape and panoramic footage. Some use drone videography to capture ground action or movement in a bird's eye view. If you plan to use drone videography, make sure to visualise the footage you want to capture, the possible visual obstruction, and such. Remember, you can only fly drones in a particular spot, so planning the drone footage is necessary. 

  1. Consider the government rules. 

Flying a drone is not throwing a paper plane. You need to acquire permission from the local aviation board and other governing bodies. Additionally, make sure the drones of your production and animation company in Singapore are complete with registration papers. 

  1. Consider the weather.

If you plan to use drone videography in Singapore, make sure your shooting date does not fall in the terrible weather. Avoid shooting during the stormy season. It is hard to control the drone when the wind is strong, and raindrops could fog up the lens, obscuring the view. 

  1. Get a professional drone pilot.

You might want to use your drones for filming, but if you are still new to drone flying, you might want to hire professionals instead. Top production houses in Singapore offer high-quality drone videography. 

You can also call a professional assistant to guide and help you with drone flying and filming. 

Are you ready to use drone videography whilst filming in Singapore? You are ready to go after considering these factors!

Zeetrope is one of the top production houses in Singapore! Visit Zeetrope today. 



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