15 Nov

Growing up with relatives who are into arts molded us to devote ourselves into being an artist as well. What they did not tell us was how to profit out of it. Thankfully, my cousin agreed that I should help her into building her own earrings business so I could learn how to manage my own business one day. 

My cousin and I are very close, like how all Asian families are close to their relatives. Blood is thicker than water is what our parents would always say. Thus, we had no choice but to stay close together. For my cousin and I, we got more knitted together when we share the same dislikes to some customs of our parents. They think that pursuing the arts would not make us rich. And, yes, even with the evidence of our other uncles and aunts who live in three-storey houses because they have sold a lot of their paintings and sculptures during their time. 

Fast forward to now, my cousin started her earrings business through social media like Instagram and Twitter. She is good in customising designs for earrings from clay and other light materials. She is quite famous in her school for selling them. Though, when she graduated and wanted to make it her full-time business,  she had a hard time. Without her usual customers, who were her classmates, she had limited income. Until I suggested that she seek a Search Engine Optimization or SEO agency in Singapore to reach more audience using social media marketing.

We contacted this agency and, as we had no clue where to start in forming partnerships, we asked them what we would get in return for their services. This is what they said.

Connect more with the audience

Besides her old followers, their strategies can connect more other audiences who might be interested in buying her earrings. They will use other platforms to get her brand to customers who did not know she exists. 

Improved SEO

They said that SEO plays an important role in social media marketing. It will help her brand achieve the top place in a search engine result. Thus, more customers will be aware of her brand. ‌‌They suggested that we get their affordable SEO packages like businesses in Singapore have purchased before they grew from a small-sized business to a big one.

Facebook advertising

Though we had expressed our defiance to the Facebook market, they explained the importance of it in growing the business. This social media site is the world’s leading networking platform where her brand can greatly benefit from. Advertising in it will increase her sales and it will cost less than other famous platforms.

My cousin and I were convinced and in no time we accepted their deal. Today, she has orders coming left and right, gaining more profit to create more art for her earrings. She was so happy it was all working out. Though, it will take some time before her parents sees this as a profitable business. She is still grateful for the social media marketing service offered in Singapore by OOM SG.

If you are looking for an SEO outsourcing company, we highly recommend dealing with OOM SG. Reach them through their website https://www.oom.com.sg.

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