10 Jul

I highly recommend Firstcom Solutions for their e-commerce web development services in Singapore. They have helped our home furniture business flourish online.

When our small home furniture business started growing, we decided that it is time to expand. However, we do not have enough resources yet to open another store. To provide a solution for this, we tried making our own website and we created official social media accounts. Despite all the efforts we had made to make a substantial presence online, our customer base is still not growing. It was too difficult to reach to our target consumers.

Good thing, we discovered Firstcom Solutions. This web development company in Singapore helped us create an e-commerce website that was convenient for consumers. When we started working with Firstcom Solutions, we realized that we had a lot of mistakes before. We just used a free online template for our website before and our customers find it difficult to navigate our website. What Firstcom Solutions did was that they created a website layout which would make our products and services easily discoverable. They asked us which are the most popular products so that they can showcase it on the first pages of the website. We learned that the most popular products are usually the most bought items online thus users will most likely look for these products first. In their e-commerce web development services in Singapore, they also created a system which allows users to create a membership account. Part of the privileges of becoming a member is getting to enjoy all the bundle promos and discounts during special occasions. Because of this, more and more users are eager to join and create an account.

What I also like about their e-commerce web development services in Singapore is that they designed a website which is responsive to most devices. Our customers can now check and navigate the website through their tablets and phones. Plus, we can check the status of each purchase through the sales and delivery reports function.

Firstcom Solutions also partnered their e-commerce web development services with their Facebook marketing services in Singapore. This service helped us gain a much more substantial online presence because they were able to optimise our Facebook page, unlike what we did originally before. Their Facebook marketing services in Singapore include creating timely content which can attract users and potential buyers online. We do not have the right resources before on how to make our Facebook page engaging and enticing to users. Plus, we are not knowledgeable about digital marketing and content creation which made our Facebook page look bland. But with Firstcom Solutions, our Facebook page truly came back to life because of the stunning photos and witty taglines. We were able to gather a lot of followers and customers in no time!

 So, if you are looking for a reliable web development company in Singapore, I highly suggest that you check out Firstcom Solutions now.

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