02 Mar

Did you know? Millions of businesses across the world, whether big or small, connect with people on Facebook. That is because Facebook continues to reign as the champ of social media sites, with almost 2.4 billions monthly active users. With that number, any business can immediately reach out to their target audience by using Facebook as a powerful marketing tool to boost a business’ reputation, even in a diverse country like Singapore.

With all of these said, if you are a businessman of any industry, you must actively use Facebook as your marketing tool to potentially boost your business’ online presence. But, just in case, you are not familiar with how to use Facebook to perform your marketing strategies, then read this article carefully, and familiarise yourself with these tips and ways on how to use Facebook for business marketing.

  1. Create a Facebook Business Page. 

Just in case, your business still doesn’t have one. Here are the following steps.

  • Click this link, then you will see two options, but if you can’t see it, you must first log into your Facebook personal account to get started. (Don’t worry, your personal information will not appear on your Facebook business page.)

  • Now, select one of these two options: Business/Brand or Community/Public Figure.

  • Input all your business’ information

  1. Upload Business’ Images. 

For this step, you must select a profile picture of your business (preferably your logo or icon),  and add cover photos, but if you are not familiar with what photo dimension and size to use, then go to look at this guide.


  1. Add Facebook Business Page’s Information.

To add more information, kindly go to “About” and click “Edit Page Info”, and write the following section.

  • Description: This is similar to your website’s About Us, but with 255 characters limit, so you must briefly describe your business’ purpose.

  • Contact Information: For this all the ways to contact your business, such as landline number, email address, and other social media business accounts.

  • Extra Options: Feel free to add miscellaneous details about your business like operating hours, products and prices, and even your business privacy policy.

  1. Add CTA/Call-to-Action button.

To provide a quick response to your consumers, you can add a CTA button on the bottom of your page cover photo so they can easily contact your business right away.

  1. Review and Check Facebook Page Setting 

Take a look at your Facebook business page setting, and see how you can see your page, because if the page is on a private setting or “only me”, then no one can see your post and other activities. So ensure that you set it on a public mode to allow more followers.

Now, after creating your Facebook Business Page, let us take a look at the ways on how to use Facebook as your business marketing tool in Singapore.

  1. Hard Sell is not an OPTION

So don’t do it, because people on Facebook regard this platform as a fun social place where they can chat with friends and family, view photos, and videos. That’s why instead of doing a hard sell marketing campaign, join the conversation, interact with your followers like thanking them for following you as always and more.

  1. Create a Goal

Everything will be easier if you set a goal, because this will help not to lose track of what you are supposed to do, and you can easily focus on what you have to achieve first.  Here are some of Facebook marketing strategies you can try!

  • Create a post every day featuring what makes this day special. For instance, February 14 is Valentine's Day, and March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. So take note of dates and their occasion.

  • Feature your customers or followers to actively use your product. Give them recognition like Queen or King of the day.

  • Thank your customers by reposting their post about your products.

  1. Express with a Voice

Keep in mind, people on Facebook love to talk to other people, so don’t make your business too impersonal, and be interactive by showing a real and likeable personality that they can approach easily. So write a voice that expresses a voice that has a soul. 

  1. Post Regularly

Believe it or not, Facebook users check their social media account over five times a day, so more or less 25 times a week, and most of them love to see new posts and news about the page they follow and like.

So always post regularly, because imagine the number of followers checking your Facebook Business page in a day, then it would be imaginably a lot. But if you don’t have much time to post regularly, you can always post it on schedule on the day and time you want it to post, so you wouldn’t need to log in now and then. 

These are just the tips and ways you have to familiarise, but if you are still having trouble, better ask for help from a digital agency like OOm in Singapore, as they specialise in social media management.

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