08 Apr

Nowadays, almost everyone is using social media, including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. As social media is growing, users are also growing regardless of their age, gender and location. When you walk along the streets of Singapore, anyone will surely know what Facebook is. Therefore, Facebook is the best online platform to develop your marketing strategy for business hence Facebook Marketing

With a mobile device and internet connection, scrolling on Facebook is a pastime for everyone during idle time. While you walk in the mall, you can see people standing by and scrolling their phone and most likely, they’re scrolling their Facebook page. 

See, it is easy to ingrain your marketing strategy by using Facebook because people are naturally using it. Therefore, it is prudent to ask for help from the Facebook marketing Agency in Singapore. So, will it be beneficial to use Facebook marketing in Singapore? Well, let this article show you why you need to use it right at this moment! 

What is Facebook Marketing? 

Facebook marketing uses Facebook pages as a communication tool to engage and interact with online users, which eventually will turn into your business customers. Facebook marketing also allows you to create individual profiles or pages for organisations, companies or other individuals or groups who want to create a solid fanbase. 

It is helpful to know that Facebook marketing applies to different organisations and individuals. This way, you’ll have a better knowledge of your target market. 

  • Organisations - It includes charities, political groups, and public service campaigns
  • Local businesses - Showcasing small business or Family Businesses
  • Personalities - Celebrities, content creators, musicians, artists, etc.
  • Brands - Any kind of small or big brands, whether food, electronics, fashion, etc.  

How Can Facebook Marketing Help Your Business?

  1. Low-cost Marketing Strategy

Some marketing activities will need you to invest a lot of money. However, using Facebook will not require you to put a big budget. That’s why it is ideal for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with a limited marketing budget. Remember to create quality and witty content. So, online users will be encouraged to share it on social media. 

Facebook marketing is also applicable to large businesses because they can use it as their trial marketing strategy. It is also advantageous because most large companies are already known, so using Facebook marketing will double their online influence among users. 

  1. Utilise Pictures and Videos as Marketing Tools

Videos and pictures are an effective marketing tool to capture the attention of online users. As you can see, commercials or marketing gimmicks can trend overnight because it is easy to share the click button. Plus, there are millions of Facebook users in Singapore. It is the reason why you need to incorporate Facebook Marketing. 

Facebook marketing can make pictures or videos engaging because it uses emotions to capture the attention of someone who’s scrolling through Facebook. This way, online users will do the job for you because they will share your commercials through sharing online. 

  1. Accessible Customer Support 

Your staff can use Facebook to answer queries from possible customers. This way, you can build credibility in the online community. It is more efficient than staff answering phone calls or emails. Facebook marketing allows you to contact customers with automated answers, which will help improve your accessibility. Remember, inactive customer service will discourage people from buying from your business. 

  1. Build Brand Awareness

You can use Facebook marketing to encourage online users to like your page. This way, they can get an update from your page when you upload something new. When your page builds a habit to the user, it will help build brand awareness and thus spread information about your business. 

Also, you can add your website to your Facebook page to increase your website traffic. In doing so, you can redirect them to your website page. Wherein they can also order your products or services. 

  1. Focus on Target Customers

Facebook can analyse millions of profiles. As a business owner, you can use Facebook marketing to focus on people who are interested in your business.  After that, you can create marketing campaigns for a specific group of online users. 

For instance, you have a business in clothing. Facebook marketing can analyse which online users are interested in fashion. However, you need to pay, so you can appear on the pages of those people who put ‘fashion’ as their interest. 

Facebook as Marketing Platform 

If you want to stay at the top of your game, use Facebook as your marketing platform. As business needs to know the latest trends, you’ll need to get in touch with a Facebook marketing agency in Singapore

This way, they can help you utilise effective Facebook marketing strategies. Partner with OOm Singapore to make your online platforms a tool to increase customers and sales! 



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