13 Oct

Another way to increase your online presence in Singapore is through WeChat marketing. Most businesses notice this platform as an opportunity to maximise their brand awareness. But not all of them know the tricks on how it works. If you have the same dilemma, here are some tips that can help you. 

  1. Maintain an Official Account

The first step of WeChat marketing in Singapore is to have an official account. Once your business has one, make sure to post frequently. That way, WeChat will most likely favour and increase your visibility.

  1. Produce Quality and Relevant Content

Just like on Google, quality and relevant content matters on WeChat, too. So when creating an article, make sure to include the keyword of your product and services. Doing so allows the users to find your brand easily on the search results. 

  1. Develop Loyalty Programmes

Customers are an invaluable asset to every business, and that is a fact. Most local SEO providers in Singapore use this factor to widen customer reach. In most cases, they include promos and discounts to catch the attention of their target audience. 

  1. Invest in QR Code Marketing

QR Code is like a shareable link that users can share with their family and friends. If your products and services have these, your customers will no longer need to scroll through your page to see the item itself. They can view it instantly 

  1. Engage with Mini Programmes

These mini programmes are sub-applications WeChat has. It can either be downloaded or installed on the user's smartphone. Having this promotes your brand awareness as your costumes have fun. 

  1. Launch Creative Campaigns

WeChat also allows you to tell a story and make a poll about your brand. Doing so gives you more opportunities on how to improve them. This one works simultaneously with loyalty programmes.

Do these tips for WeChat Marketing seem too complicated? Then help from your local SEO services, OOm. They can help you build your online presence not only on WeChat but throughout Google. Visit their website today, and find out how much their SEO price in Singapore is worth.



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