02 Jun

It’s almost a necessity for businesses to gain online presence not just on the web but also on social media platforms. We can’t simply deny the power and influence of social media in your daily lives. For business-minded individuals, social media especially Facebook has potent advertising and offers advertising options for companies and organizations to increase their exposure online. Businesses of all sizes are performing marketing efforts on social media. Facebook marketing in Singapore is also steadfastly increasing especially during the COVID-19 outbreak where many firms are finding alternatives to stay relevant and keep their business afloat.

As of now, Facebook marketing still has a powerful hold for those who seek to promote and legitimize their new/small business online via social media. The platform itself offers an effective advertising tool when it comes to engaging your online audience. A proper marketing event on Facebook can drive your business to grow. Without further ado, here are some tips on how you can market your small business online through Facebook.

1. Share superior content

As a lot of professionals and experts in advertising and marketing often advise, producing and sharing superb quality content is one of the most important things to win your audiences. This might be old advice but no one can’t deny its relevance and how it can engage audiences and trigger them to like and share your content.

2. Write a powerful CTA copy

Writing a CTA copy that urges audiences to take action is another thing of getting traffic to your website from Facebook. Don’t be afraid to tell your audience or followers to take action. Use strong action words that compel readers to click on your website and add in or mention the consequences or outcome when they take action. For example: “Subscribe now and get the latest PDF file about X for FREE!”

3. Use Facebook Ads

 This is one of the most useful tools that Facebook offers for advertising purposes. It’s an effective way of reaching more users than your traditional way of advertising posts on your own on Facebook. Since they collect user data for advertising, it targets specific market audiences who are likely to be more interested in your niche. This is useful if you want to gain a larger following and far-reaching advertisement.

Looking for a reliable marketing agency to handle your business marketing on social media? OOm provides Facebook marketing services in Singapore to help leverage and promote your business on social media.



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