17 Apr

Just when you thought you’re about to hit your target engagement and conversion rate, strategies you have implemented were not enough, because you are doing the exact same thing like everyone else.

You may study then evaluate the tactics of your competitors and other companies on how they deliver specific messages while getting the attention of the clients. But, it does not necessarily mean that you have to copy them. An effective online marketing in Singapore strategy do not copies from the others thus, you must think of many ways to make an impact that will greatly shape the perspective of the customers to know you better.

Why Originality Matters?

If you want to run Facebook Marketing in Singapore, the advantages of originality on it are as follows:

  • It reflects the voice of your brand, originality illustrates the serious level of a business in the eyes of the customers. As an entrepreneur, stop making yourself a second-rate, no one wants to trust a copycat. Or worst, when people notice that you are just trying to copy the competitor’s style, you are giving them the chance to ditch you. As the result, brand reputation is at risk and building huge customer base is close to impossible.
  • If you want to be a good and authentic digital marketing company in Singapore you have to make time learning about the market, understands the needs of the customers and when you deliver, you deliver with passion, and that’s where you hit the bottom of the people’s hearts.
  • The online world is full of black hat strategies and similar tactics, you must have the urge to be the most unique one, to be able to tell your story like no one else can do it for you.

Originality is the only way to make your business successful and achieve higher return of investment.

For instance:

Brand A (competitor) uploads an infographic about the history of Japanese cuisine since they are sushi supplier, then Brand B (you) which is a rice supplier also posted the same type of infographic. After two weeks, Brand A’s followers and engagement rate increases while brand b continues to lose the customer base you have built.

Based on the example stated above, in online marketing Singapore, no matter how hard you try to copy the effective strategies of other competitors, it does not guarantee that you will receive the same engagement and conversion rate. Each business has its target market, edge. You must give your customers the reasons why you deserve to be seen, recognized and be trusted.

If you want to start the authenticity of your brand when doing Facebook marketing Singapore, take consider of the following:

  • Tell your story don’t brag- When sending invitations to your target market to follow you on social media platforms, provide a small note or short introduction about the products and services you have. In this way, you can separate immediately the potential direct buying customer to non-buyers.
  • Don’t just talk, listen too! – Create two-way communication between you as the brand and the customers. Answer inquiries and comments immediately, and from there you would know the common problems they may have, in which you can use to strategize your next marketing plan.

Show proofs not just testimonials – Let’s say your business is a cleaning service provider, take photos and publish it to your account. Let the people know that you are not after the sales but helping customers is your utmost priority. Visual is important as much as the context.

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