02 May

Modern-day businesses sought for an effective marketing solution that will generate sales and provide marketing leads. SEO copywriting is one of the most effective yet traditional techniques of delivering quality copies for a particular niche. Writing a content piece that sells and hooks visitors can be a no-easy feat and sometimes can be a challenging task to accomplish. Most SEO services in Singapore include the provision of copywriting efforts throughout the marketing campaign.

As such, copywriting remains relevant and perhaps a crucial part of SEO operations. Copywriting delivers quality copy pieces and contents for web pages to satiate users’ search intents and provide them with ample information in persuasive and often different writing tone that complements the nature of the brand. 

Writing a compelling piece usually requires copywriting strategies that include SEO-friendly techniques that aim to promote the webpage for organic ranking. Copywriters would still need to adhere to certain standards and rules that are tailored to a specific marketing method like SEO for example, would be able to follow specific guidelines and complementary actions that would fit the goals of SEO.

SEO Copywriting Rules

As we have mentioned earlier copywriters of SEO need to adhere to the rules of SEO practices to provide output and successfully carry out a writing effort using SEO-friendly methods for web pages. Most SEO companies in Singapore have in-house copywriters that are specialized in SEO techniques and methods to deliver compelling pieces for their clients. They focus on specific methodologies and tactics that are related to SEO, unlike non-SEO copywriters which do not necessarily need to follow specific guidelines and methods.

Here are the most essential and fundamental SEO copywriting rules.

1. Avoid stuffing keywords

Keyword stuffing is not synonymous with keyword density. Keyword density means the total number of keywords appeared in pieces divided by the total number of words available. That is how you would obtain the ratio of keywords in a content piece. 

Now, keyword stuffing is the abusive/excessive use of keywords. This means that sentences are often written oddly and weirdly since those keywords should be naturally placed and not forced in an unnatural way. It results in a poorly written content piece that will not attract customers and would not be recognized by search engines.

2. Start with a compelling headline

Headlines are the best starting point where your audience/consumers would often read first and give attention before they proceed to read the entire piece of your content. Boring headlines are often ignored whereas headlines that capture attention generate clicks and traffics to web pages. Headlines should stir the curiosity of the audience/consumers.

3. Enhance meta tags

Meta tags should be given the right attention. They provide introductory information to a webpage. Combined with compelling headlines and interesting descriptions, you can tailor meta tags that can generate more visitors together with matching keywords. The ideal character limit for meta titles ranges from 60-65 while meta descriptions are either 155-165. 

Too many characters will be cut and only the first few characters will be visible. It is best to make your meta titles and meta descriptions as close to the ideal character count.

4. Use your audience language

Each specific niche has its audience that uses specific ‘language.’ The best thing for copywriters to communicate effectively is through understanding the target audience language. Speaking your target audience’s language will be able to open an opportunity for a content piece to speak and comprehend the message of the content as well as compel/persuade them to make purchase decisions.

OOm provides SEO packages in Singapore to provide a leverage opportunity for SMEs with digital marketing.



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