13 May

Meta titles and descriptions are the extensions of the website that provides snippets of short information about what the page is all about and what to expect from it. These metadata are an important component when performing SEO works. Most SEO agencies incorporate the use and enhancement of meta descriptions and title tagging for clients web pages. Aside from incorporating keywords, meta title and description provides a source of information about what niche you offer and it also should answer most user’s search queries that are associated with those used keywords.

SEO is still important and it is more relevant than ever now that most business competitions are taking place online along with the growth of users searching online for the things they want to buy. Gone are the days when people have to go and walk outside to find any availability on the product. With the internet, a simple click instantaneously delivers results and answers. Your meta description and title tags should be an introductory snippet that provides answers for online users.

Here are some tips that will help you on how to write meta descriptions and title tags that earn clicks.

Identify the benefits/selling points

If you are selling a product or providing service, it’s best to tell your consumers what benefits they will get from buying your product. Benefits can be a convincing thing for most consumers, it shows the selling point of your product/service. Other than that you can say why your company should be trusted. You can highlight your experience, fast solution provider, easy delivery, etc. Those things provide convenience for consumers which makes you a go-to brand.

Use call-to-action

Call-to-action phrases (CTA) are good at capturing your audiences’ attention. You can pair up your CTA phrases with exclusive offers such as discounts and promotions which can help them guide through their buying journey. An example of a good CTA phrase is something like; Sign-up now and get 25% off on all electronic purchases today!

Make them relevant to your content

Both your meta description and title tag should be very relevant and close to your content and what your company offers than trying to insert things that are not covered by your content.

Keyword focus

Each description and title should incorporate keywords. However, you should be conscious not to stuff too much or try not to force them. Each of your descriptions and title should still sound natural just as if you're reading an ordinary sentence.

If you’re looking for SEO marketing in Singapore, OOm SG is an SEO company in Singapore providing digital marketing services to help leverage brand awareness for businesses.



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